Last October, he auditioned for a few companies for this summer's seasons. When he heard back from the Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre here in Logan, (especially when he found out he got a part) he took the job. We've been really excited about this opportunity and now it's finally here.
This season, the UFOMT is doing Tosca, Faust, My Fair Lady, and Kiss Me Kate, along with a few other small productions. My husband is Zoltan Karpathy in My Fair Lady, the understudy for Fred in Kiss Me Kate, and ensemble for My Fair Lady, Kiss Me Kate, and Faust. And a couple days ago, they had in-house auditions for a small production of Girl husband got the part of Jake Howell. All I can say is, he's busy busy busy!
The UFOMT season started on May 30 with the first day of rehearsals. Shows start on July 12 and run through August 11. Rehearsals run Monday-Saturday, starting around 10AM and going to about 10PM. Daily schedules are given about a day in advance. My husband isn't gone all day, but anywhere from 1-3 hours at a time, 2-4 times a day. It's kinda hard to plan a life when you don't know what to expect from your job each day....but we manage. And of course, he's loving every minute of it....from singing, to dancing, to learning French.
Me? What do I do now that it's summer and my husband is busy being an actor? Sometimes I feel like Rapunzel in "Tangled".....
I'm not locked inside, but after I've cleaned the house for the fiftieth time, I feel like I'm trying to find things to do. I guess this summer I'll be discovering some new talents and hobbies. :)
WOw, that is busy. I bet you guys will learn to be "more flexible" name the movie... :) BUT, when I read this the first thing I wanted to type to you was: Family HISTORY!!! That takes tons of time and it is addicting in a good way... Seriously. You are great at interviewing people. THUS, you could interview relatives from your grandparents, to great aunts/uncles to parents and aunts and uncles. I bet you'd have tons of fun too. Then you type up what they said for a history. Then publish it. We could do it together if you want! I asked your parents if I could interview them sometime and your gparents too... ANYWAY< just a thought. :)OR... Keep painting cool things like your house and random stuff!